Online Worship

You can come to the church to worship in-person or participate online. Please note that in-person attendees may choose, but are not required, to wear a mask.

Parish members who receive our announcement emails will receive links for the Zoom meeting, the YouTube live-stream, and the worship leaflet each week. If you’re a member of the parish and aren’t receiving our announcements, please send a request to Gena Bean, our parish administrator, at If you’re visiting Our Saviour, please fill out our visitor form so we can welcome you to our community!

Don’t have access to Zoom or have trouble connecting to Zoom? Anyone can worship with us via our YouTube channel. Missed a service? Past recorded services are available there too. We invite you to download and/or print the worship leaflet ahead of time to follow along with the service — you’ll find the link in the YouTube description for the service. (Note that for Safe Church reasons, we do not live-stream or record periodic intergenerational worship services involving the children of the parish.)

We look forward to worshiping with you!

More Detailed Instructions for Those New to Zoom

For security reasons, the Zoom meeting link is in the weekly parish announcements. It changes every week, so please make sure you are looking at the most recent set of announcements. Depending on your computer system and your browser, you may need to download an application. Please follow the instructions on the Zoom webpage. This diocesan handout also contains helpful guidance on how to use Zoom.

Once the Zoom meeting starts, you can choose to turn on your camera and your microphone if you want to talk to other people before or after the worship service. (Note that the moderator mutes participants during the worship by default to avoid sound quality issues.)

Worship begins at 10 a.m., but please consider joining at 9:30 a.m. for some time to socialize and for Zoom technical support.

Please note that anyone on the Internet could join us for our worship service. For Safe Church purposes, we ask that anyone with a child watching, please turn off your camera. This allows us to post to YouTube more promptly without getting permissions from all the parents/guardians. Also note that intergenerational worship services are not recorded and live-streamed to YouTube for Safe Church reasons.

Zoom Access via Telephone

If you dial into the worship service, please use one of the following phone numbers, and then when requested, enter the meeting ID listed in the announcements.

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 253 215 8782 US
+1 301 715 8592 US
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)