
We are glad you are interested in Church of Our Saviour. Getting connected with a Christian community is an important part of Episcopal spirituality because:

  • God often responds to our prayers through the hands and words of church friends.
  • A Christian community helps put our spirituality into action.
  • A Christian community helps us break through the barriers of race, class, and geography and lets us develop relationships with people we might never otherwise have met.
  • A Christian community challenges and supports us so we can grow deeper in faith.

The first step in finding your spiritual community is to check out worship and talk with some people. If you feel like Our Saviour might be the right spiritual community for you, the next step is to form deeper connections with a small group of parishioners who are also trying to put their faith into action. We hope the groups described here will help you get started. For further information, feel free to get in touch with the contact person listed for any of the ministries in which you are interested. Our priest, Rev. Malia Crawford, is here to help you! You can contact her at

Learning Opportunities

Sunday School

Children’s Sunday School meets on Sundays at 10 a.m. during our worship. Children ages 4–18 are welcome. Our Sunday School meets in the parish hall and uses Godly Play curriculum. If you like any of these things–learning, praying, crafts, carpentry, storytelling, visual arts, music, baking, and children–then we can find a way for you to help build this ministry! If you’d like to pick a Sunday to help out, please contact Fiona, our Director of Christian Formation.
Contact: Fiona Vidal-White (sundayschool dot cos at gmail dot com)

Adult Education

The Adult Formation Committee plans opportunities for teens and adults to learn more about our faith. Contact Malia to learn more about upcoming events.
Contact: Rev. Malia Crawford



These people are here to help you get connected to Our Saviour.

Community and Lay Pastoral Care

This ministry cares for people who are part of Our Saviour, especially when they’re going through tough times. Pastoral care can take many forms, from writing cards to providing parishioners with rides to bringing meals and visiting homes or hospitals. We also have people who can bring you communion, if you’re sick.

Property Committee

Families need to care for their homes, and spiritual communities need to care for their buildings. This group takes care of our church’s physical space, so we have a great place to worship and meet. Please contact Rob if you enjoy fixing things, gardening, mowing the lawn, etc.
Contact: Rob Hart


Choir & Music

The Choir fills the church with traditional hymns and contemporary music to the Glory of God at our Sunday service and occasional special services like weddings. Choir members rehearse Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. and only robe for highly festive occasions. Other musicians may contribute on an occasional basis.
Contact: Casey Hannan


Ushers greet parishioners, assist newcomers, take up and present the offering, and take prayer cards to the Intercessor of the Day.
Contact: Ginger Webb (gs_webb at yahoo dot com)

Helping Plan Worship

The Liturgy Committee meets about six times a year to plan upcoming worship services.
Contact: Rev. Malia Crawford or Michele Mouradian (mbmour at comcast dot net)

Helping Lead Worship

Lectors read Scripture from the Old Testament and Epistles during worship, Intercessors lead prayers, and Eucharistic ministers serve the chalices during Communion.
Contact: Rev. Malia Crawford

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild members take care of the special vessels, hangings, and linens we use in worship. They also help decorate the church and get it ready for worship. If you like quiet ways of connecting with God and other people, you might like Altar Guild.
Contact: Mary Denton (marydenton at rcn dot com), Michele Mouradian (mbmour at comcast dot net)

Arts & Spirituality

Contact Pam if you are interested in expressing your spirituality through visual arts, from creating colorful banners to making giant St. Francis Day puppets to assembling unique Christmas stars.
Contact: Pam DiBona (padibona at me dot com)


Following Sunday worship and for special events, we gather in the parish hall for a time of fellowship and conversation. Fellowship hosts provide food items (like baked goods, fresh fruit, or other snacks) and juice. Different parishioners serve as fellowship hosts each week or for special events. Please contact Kate to get involved with hospitality.
Contact: Kate Schell (cschell316 at yahoo dot com)

Diocesan Activities

We are part of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, which offers opportunities to learn and build relationships. In March and September, there are big learning events. Throughout the year, there are opportunities to connect with people from other churches. This is a great way to learn about the creative other churches are doing and develop relationships beyond our neighborhood.
Contact: Rev. Malia Crawford


Website & Facebook

Have content, photos, videos, or audio clips to share? Changes to suggest? Want to get involved with the Our Saviour communication efforts as they evolve?
Contact: Chuck Provancher, webmaster (cos.loaves at gmail dot com) or Ginger Webb, Facebook administrator (gs_webb at yahoo dot com)

Loaves & Fishes Monthly Newsletter

Contact Chuck Provancher if you want to help by submitting articles, observations, photos, drawings, or poetry. (cos.loaves at gmail dot com)
To join the mailing list, contact our parish administrator (


In the Episcopal Church, our parish lay leaders set the budget, and we are responsible for raising the money we want to spend. Folks who have claimed Our Saviour as their spiritual home are asked to fill out a pledge card that says how much they plan to donate in the upcoming year. Our Stewardship Committee encourages us to be generous by our organizing our yearly fall stewardship (fundraising) program. If you’re ready to fill out your pledge card, please contact an usher or our parish administrator (