We can spend our whole lives getting to know God . . . There is always more to discover!
Adult Learning Opportunities
Bible and Beyond
Need a midweek pick-me-up? We meet to study scripture on Thurs. evenings 7:30-8:30 p.m. via Zoom. No experience needed; doubts and questions welcome! Come learn, pray, and enjoy time with fellow parishioners. Come as you are–no need to read the Bible passage ahead of time. To get the Zoom link, please email Ryan, our parish administrator, at church.of.our.saviour.arlington@gmail.com. Or, to learn more about this friendly, informal, lay led-Bible study group, please contact Suzanne Bremer or Allen Whitaker.
The Way of Love
This 9-class course helps us create a well-balanced spiritual life. It’s intended for adults and teens ages 16+ who may want to be confirmed, received into the Episcopal Church, or reaffirm their baptismal vows. It’s also great for longtime Christians wanting to become more intentional about their faith.
Periodic Discussions or Book Studies
Past discussions have covered the books The Episcopal Way by Eric H. F. Law and Stephanie Spellers, The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander, This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein, Laudato Si by Pope Francis, Strength for the Journey: A Guide to Spiritual Practices by Renee Miller, and The Book of Common Prayer. Conversations have covered such varied topics as truth and reparations, grief, end-of-life planning, implicit bias, meditation, the role of music in worship, Bible journaling, and speaking across differences.
New to the Episcopal Church? You may enjoy 11 Things I Love about the Episcopal Church by Ben Irwin.